1. 3 bounces to squat-on. Hands on red, feet on spring board.
2. Donkey kick or lever hop. Hands on pink, jump and kick bottom.Or hands on pink, one foot on velcro foot, other foot in air. 3. Flamingo walks on beam over cones. 4. Build a tower with blocks. 5. Spotted backwards roll down cheese. 6. Step onto a balance pod and match the rings to the corresponding colored cone. |
7. Climb up and over mountain blocks.
8. Walk along balance pods with hands on p-bars. 9. Sit on the bottom of the rope and swing like a monkey. 10. Climb over mats and through tunnel. |
1. Forward roll down cheese
2. Balance on turtles 3. Roll hula hoop on beam while walking or parents hold hula hoop and kids walk through hoop 4. Spotted 3 bounce to handstand 5. Run and jump into the target 1. Cat crawls on beam
2. Kick arounds - hands in the middle of the cones, jump feet over cones 3. Turtle scoot on mailbox 4. Spotted backbend over barrel 5. Teeter totter on domino 6. Handstand hold- hands on floor, belly against mat 7. Climb up stairs, TADA at top, climb down ladder 1. 3 bounce squat on. Hands on yellow, feet on spring board
2. Handstand hold. Belly facing mat 3. Kick arounds- hands on mushroom, feet jump on targets 4. Build a tower with blocks 5. Hot dog roll down cheese 6. Climb over rainbow 1. Climb up mountain, slide down
2. Handstand hold- hands on puzzle piece, feet on red 3. Walk on lines 4. Swing like a monkey- sit on rope 5. Forward roll down cheese |
6. Jump over french fries
7. Inverted walks- hands on floor, feet on yellow mat 8. Go through tunnels 9. Crawl over mats 8. Flamingo walks over french fries
9. Craw through tunnel 10. Bear crawl up cheese, roll down second cheese 11. Stand on beam and toss ball to grown-up 7. Run down spongebob, stand up on cheese and forward roll
8. "Drive the car" on yellow lines (with the ab roller) 9. Apart together with hands on domino- feet start on line and jump off the line and then back together 10. Sideways walks on beam 6. Donkey kicks- hands on domino, jump both feet off dot
7. Spotted backbend over barrel 8. Bear crawls on pbars 9. Climb up ladder 10. Crawl through tunnel 11. Sideways walks over cones |